3 September 2012

Top Tips To Be A Better Wedding Photographer Than Rest In the League

Are you a photo enthusiast and wish to make a mark in the wedding photography genre? No doubts, this is quite interesting but challenging too at the same time. You need to be extra careful and have an eye for the perfect moment all throughout the wedding ceremonies. Here are some tips for you to be a better wedding photographer than the rest in the league. These tips will help you document the wedding in a unique style:

Preparation before the wedding day

If you wish to excel as a wedding photographer, making the elaborate preparation is as important as the stage of shooting. If you are prepared well, there will be no hassles when taking the photographs during the ceremony. It is best to prepare the list of the shots that you wish to take during and before the ceremony.
  • Talk to the couple:
It is very important to communicate with the couple on what they are looking forward in their wedding pictures. Also, collect information on important people during the ceremony as it will make it easier for you to shoot. This will give you the chance to document the wedding ceremony successfully.
  • Scout the location:
As a wedding photographer it is a great idea to scout the wedding location well in advance. This will also help you decide on the spots you wish to click the pictures on the wedding day. This is also important to scout the light. Though, weather is unpredictable, still try and decide on the light set-up.
  • Equipment:
As a wedding photographer you have to be well equipped with the best of equipment. Carry the best DSLR that has 18-55mm kit lens. If possible get the tele-photo lens as you will be real close to the subject. A wide-lens is also handy to take pictures of large groups. The camera must also have adequate storage space. The tripod and flash is also important tool for the wedding photographers.

On the wedding day

As the photographer huge responsibility delves on your shoulders. They need to deliver the best of the pictures in all light conditions. There must be perfect clicks and be able to guide the bride and groom for posed portraits, candid pictures, group pictures and other important shots.
  • Official or portrait pictures:
In all wedding albums these are the keep pictures. Most of these pictures stay in the family album or hang on the walls for years to come. As a professional photographer you need to assure that you get these clicks right.
  • Family and group pictures:
Family and group pictures are a task for the wedding photographers. The shadow casted by the sun may hamper the picture, a family member is not attentive or some other member running the picture by either closing the eyes or mouth wide-open. It is the intelligence of the photographer to find the perfect place where sun doesn’t hamper the click, neutral background and able to get a good shot wherein, each family member looks their best.
  • Documenting all stages of the wedding:
As a wedding photographer it is your duty to document all the stages of the wedding ceremony. This starts right from the time the bride and groom are getting ready for the ceremony, wearing the dress, make-up, and hair-do and then the wedding ceremony and formal wedding dinner.
Weddings give you a perfect opportunity to click pictures but a sensible and experienced photographer needs to be careful and not get carried away shooting the colors and feel. You need to anticipate and capture the perfect wedding pictures rather than hundreds of trivial shots.

Brian Harte is a well-established wedding photographer and is known for his candid pictures and photo journalistic style wedding photography. He also writes articles and blogs to help the amateur wedding photographers turn into an experienced Wedding Photographer Leeds.

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