Photography that uses photo detectors or sensors of light and other electromagnetic energy is known as digital photography. Digital Photography in most cases does not use the separate photographic film as was used earlier. The photo captured by a digital camera is stored as a computer file which is then headed for further digital processing, viewing, digital publishing or printing. Memory cards with flash memory are mostly used for storing the photographs in a digital camera and even mobile phones with camera. SD format is the widely accepted format of the memory card for most digital cameras. Due to the presence of a memory card, a huge number of photos can be taken until the card is used in full with no space left.
Photography is a vast field where most things are yet to be explored. There have been works dating back to centuries and there have been works done very recently with the use of a digital medium. Subjects of photography range from occasions or festivals, portraits, nude human body, wildlife, abstracts and landscapes, to name a few. Landscapes have always remained a subject of choice for everyone from a novice to that of an experienced photographer. Time is the most important element in order to capture a good landscape image. It is important to note where and how the light is falling and also where and how the light is not falling. Some of the favorite landscape subjects are flowing water, forest, deserts, sea coasts, plains and prairies and mountains.
Here is certain pointers related to digital landscape photography that one must keep in mind –
Nilajana is a passionate writer and researcher on various topics on the internet and outside, specially related to photography and travelling. She has been a management student and is an active content writer for various online databases. Researching on photography and are two of her lines of interest. She is an avid reader and traveler as well.
Photography is a vast field where most things are yet to be explored. There have been works dating back to centuries and there have been works done very recently with the use of a digital medium. Subjects of photography range from occasions or festivals, portraits, nude human body, wildlife, abstracts and landscapes, to name a few. Landscapes have always remained a subject of choice for everyone from a novice to that of an experienced photographer. Time is the most important element in order to capture a good landscape image. It is important to note where and how the light is falling and also where and how the light is not falling. Some of the favorite landscape subjects are flowing water, forest, deserts, sea coasts, plains and prairies and mountains.
Here is certain pointers related to digital landscape photography that one must keep in mind –
- Shooting in RAW format – It is advisable that you shoot all your digital landscape photography in RAW format and not allow your camera to take photographs in JPEG format by auto tuning most of the processing work. This way you will have the power in your hands to process your photograph the way you want to be.
- In search of new locations – Preplanning and scouting out potentially new locations are one of the main ingredients for successful landscape photography. When you photograph a landscape in summer remember that same landscape will have a different flavor during fall or winter.
- Shooting at dawn and dusk – Some of the best photography captured by professionals are during the beautiful hours of sunset and sunrise, especially in case of landscape photography.
- Early to arrive and be ready – It is advisable to reach your pre planned location well in advance of capturing an image. Photography is best if not done in a hurry.
- Bracketed exposures – This is done to avoid any lack of focus or out of frame capture of a landscape. Many a times it happens that when you capture a moment in camera, it doesn’t come out as good as was expected and bracketing it always comes to the rescue.
- Use of tripod - tripods not only reduce the shaking of a camera or enable shooting at low shutter speeds but they also force the photographer to examine the composition before capturing a landscape in a hurry.
- Rule of thirds – Try different styles and compositions that are out of your comfort zone and you would be amazed with the results you get.
- Look around – It is advisable not to spend too much time or thought into capturing a particular scene or moment or location and ignores looking around it. Maybe a location closer to the one you are shooting is a better subject than the one you plan to capture!
- Empty handed return –sometimes photographers return from their trips empty-handed due to lack of proper lighting or lack of good compositions. This should not be a deterring factor to stop you from experimenting further or trying new ideas.
- Use of Photoshop – There may be times when a landscape is more beautiful to look at when a bit of processing is done by way of Photoshop. It doesn’t mean that all landscape problems will be solved by this ‘miraculous’ tool but a little bit of use of Photoshop can enhance a very good image.
Nilajana is a passionate writer and researcher on various topics on the internet and outside, specially related to photography and travelling. She has been a management student and is an active content writer for various online databases. Researching on photography and are two of her lines of interest. She is an avid reader and traveler as well.