10 May 2010

Hollywood Sign Could Become A Luxury Hotel

It was just a few weeks ago that we were worrying there isn’t enough money with the L.A. authorities to save the Hollywood sign. Now, a Danish architect has revealed plans to transform the coveted Hollywood sign into a luxury hotel that would have stunning views of the Los Angeles skyline. Each of the letters would have several rooms, and the luxury hotel would consist of bar, restaurant and pool.

The hotel may consist of 10 floors and 308 rooms. The roof terraces on each of the letters would provide the glittering views of the city that the movie industry loves so much. However, if you want a room with the view of the Hollywood sign, you might not get at all, for reasons better not explained.

Either on T.V or for real, we all have seen the iconic Hollywood sign atop a hill in Los Angeles. But an interesting idea has been proposed by a Danish artist from the firm Bayarch, that will allow us to eat at this almost historical place! If the 28 year old designer Christian Bay-Jorgensen plans are executed, then the sign will be transformed into a luxury hotel that would quite obviously have an amazing view of the glamorous city.

This hotel would come up behind the letters and would have all the features of a luxury hotel (a bar, restaurant, pool, conference room, movie theater and not to forget rooms!) Don’t think that it would be some teeny weeny building. The hotel will have 10 floors with 308 rooms. Guests will be able to enjoy the view of the city from the observation deck at the terrace. 

This design will enlarge the Hollywood sign to almost twice its present size. It is still in the conception stage, but if it does become a reality then it is without guessing that it would become a hot spot for the rich and famous. Would sure love to book a table at Hollywood, literally!

ReadMoreAt : Elitechoice

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