11 May 2010

Department Of Strict Regime

Prison in California : Department of strict regime

In California, six prisons, including "Calipatria", which will be discussed in this release.
They all have special correctional department, formerly known as Office "behavior change".
These offices are designed for inmates who violate the general rules.

Inmates Keith Byron Hopkins (left) and his cellmate, Christopher Drew sat in his cell at Corcoran prison.
In today's correctional institutions, most studies are not conducted due to budget cuts and isolation of prisoners.
In some prisons in California correctional offices to close, and in those that remained still chaos and disorder.
Some prisoners are let out into the fresh air just a few minutes a week.

Tower of looking at the entrance Prison Calipatria. The prison is surrounded by a fence topped with barbed wire, along which the electrical current. (Paul Kitagaki Jr.)

The prison warden watches over the prisoners during their stay in the open air prison "Calipatria. (Paul Kitagaki Jr.)

The department "in the" correctional department is 33 prisoners. Theoretically, 10 hours a week prisoners spend in the fresh air when they go to dinner, take a shower and walk in the yard. The office concluded stay 90 days and another 90 in the case of repeated punishment. (Paul Kitagaki Jr.)

The inmate Jason Brannigan talks to a reporter at the main District Prison, Sacramento. Brannigan got into correctional department for having splashed pepper spray, interfere with other prisoners and ran naked through the cellblock. (Paul Kitagaki Jr.)

Joelle Polanco in a prison wing of the prison in Korkorane, Calif., March 25. This is one of six prisons in California, which are correctional department for especially troubled inmates.

Prison warder S. Fleming Department of Correctional prison in Korkorane.

Tower of leaves at the entrance to the prison Calipatria. The prison is surrounded by an electric fence.

The department «B» correctional department is 33 prisoners.

Prison warder M. Williams closes the door to the cell Joella Polanco in the department of correctional prison in Korkorane. Corrections offices were established in order to erase class differences and help prisoners control their anger and drug and alcohol dependency.

A prison guard walks through a number of cameras in the correctional department wing "B" Prison Calipatria, which is 33 prisoners.

Robert Lane, read about Malcolm X in the chamber, which he shares with Derek Hardy (on the top bunk) in a prison wing of the prison Calipatria. Hardy said that the whole day looking at the empty walls of the chamber, which leads some prisoners to the use of psychotropic drugs, others - to the anger. "How it should help someone, if some of us turn to drugs? This is a very cruel and unusual form of punishment. "

A. Sanders looks through the bars of his cell door.

In the correctional department wing «B» is 33 prisoners.

The prison warden is on the glass floor on the second floor control room in the Corcoran prison.

The inmate, Tony Curtis washes in its confinement in prison Corcoran. Sometimes due to the strict isolation of prisoners are not allowed to bathe regularly in this department, so that they do so in the shells in their cells. A door with a pale green on the right leads to one of the showers in prison.

The inmate Terrell Wright (left) talks with a reporter in a prison wing of the prison Corcoran. Behind him are Lt. Stephen Smith, and Captain Felix Vasquez. The prisoner has successfully passed the program of anger management in this department in 2008.

The prisoners returned after an hour of exercise in fresh air. In the foreground lie the book, allegedly used in the correctional department. Although these books are on display in the dining room, journalists who report about the prison, we learned that no prisoner who is currently located in a correctional institution, have not received lessons on managing anger.

 Of inmates to the specific group is indicated here in this way - a slip of paper with the inscription on the door (on the photo with the English - "dweeb").

The inmate, Christopher Drew (left) and his cellmate Keith Byron Hopkins wait chamber correctional department in Korkorane.

Prisoner Joelle Polanco talking to a prison guard through the cell door in a prison wing of the prison Corcoran.


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