Making the decision to declutter you home can be a massive one, especially if you have lots of stuff to get through. If you’re a borderline hoarder and have mountains of things that you don’t even use you could take the chance to make money on your long forgotten treasures. By simply clearing out one cupboard you can find plenty of goodies including DVDs, CDs and books which you’re looking to rehome. You can sell DVDs online as well as these other items and get a decent return. If this isn’t an incentive to start cleaning out your home then we don’t know what is.
Essential Decluttering Advice
Here are our top advice tips for ensuring you declutter your home in the most effective way:
Use your furniture appropriately
If you always use your dining room table for storing washing or pile up books on your sofa now’s the time to stop. Use your furniture for the purpose it is intended and then it’s less likely to simply become another surface for storing stuff.
Display your Treasures
Having cluttered shelves is no good when you want to show off your favourite items. You can pick out your most favourite, treasured items and display them with pride once you’ve sorted out all the junk and sellable items.
Use your Resources
If you’ve got children get them involved, they can chuck stuff in the bin just as easily as you can and rope in friends and neighbours if it’s a particularly big job. Once it’s all sorted and in order everybody will be more likely to help you in the future especially the kids.
Benefits of Decluttering
There are many benefits to your life once you’ve performed the big declutter. Here are just three of the main things which will be improved:
Your Health
Living in a clean, tidy and dust-free environment is proven to put you in a better position health-wise. If you’ve decluttered your bedroom you can expect better sleep for example and good sleep is essential for a healthy lifestyle. You should also see a reduction in your stress levels and improvement in your general well-being, less chance of depression and more resilience in your immune system. It may seem unbelievable that keeping your house in order can keep your health in check too.
Family Fun
When your home is cleaner and tidier you’re more likely to see a house full of happy faces as your kids are more comfortable bringing friends round and you will be too. People can drop by at shorter notice, giving you a more active and enjoyable social life.
Free Time
As your home is in a better order next time you need to clean up it won’t take half as long and the time you spend looking for things and locating that essential bill or note will be halved too. When everything in your home has a place then you can be confident in spending less time searching for things.
Don’t forget to root through all your findings as you go and don’t throw away anything of value. DVDs, computer games and CDs are great for resale and you can get rid of them in bulk too.
Author bio:
Johnny Arran runs an online auction site selling old films on DVD and specialises in helping people find hidden treasures after a clear out. He also visits house clearances to check for any special items.
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