26 September 2012

System Backup Procedures and Options

Computers are extensively used for data storage. The users store their crucial data in their computers. Hence, the users give a lot of prominence to store the data in a protected manner. However, sometimes the users may come up with data losses, which may occur accidentally.

So, in order to overcome data loss problems, the users need to possess a system backup. This may help the user not to suffer from accidental data loss, data corruption, and so on. It is the responsibility of the administrator to store these backup recovery files in a safe and secure location.

Plan before You Backup

The users need to plan before fixing a backup recovery for files in the system. There may be many files in the system. However, the user may feel that some are important and a few of them to be unimportant. So, choose the information that needs back up. It is also the user’s responsibility to determine how often the files need to be backed up.

If it is an organization, then the files may need to be backed up daily. So, it is up to the user to decide how frequently, the system can perform backup. Prominently, it can be decided based on the requirement the users have.

Devices Needed for Backup

The system backup recovery necessitates some devices. However, the user cannot perform backup, if the person does not have these devices. Some of the devices are tape drives, digital auto tape drives, auto-loader tape systems, Magnetic optical drives, tape jukeboxes, removable disks, disk drives. The user can choose the necessary device that suits their requirement.

These devices perform the same task. However, they differ in their performance level such as speed, accuracy, reliability, storage capacity, price, and so on. The user is recommended to know the features before they purchase the device. Because, purchasing the device beyond their requirement will be useless and similarly, purchasing the device below their requirement would make them to buy another one.

Backup Procedure

The backup recovery comprises of a procedure with which the user can activate it. The user after purchasing the device must install it onto the system. However, it does not work without the software on the system. After the installation, do the following:

Go to Programs.
Click Accessories.
Select System Tools
Select Backup

This procedure leads the user to the main window of Backup utility. The window has different tabs through which you can complete the task successfully.

  • First of all, Backup wizard appears on the screen.
  • Selecting the backup helps the user to backup the files in the system. For this, the user can change the settings according to his necessity.
  • Selecting the restore helps the user to restore the data to the location where it is originally located or to any other location, where the user wants to place.

However, to access the data, the users must require permission. Hence, it provides more security to the information.

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