12 September 2012

How to Reduce Blurriness in Pictures

Whether you’re an amateur or already in the advanced level of photography, getting good quality pictures is always your main goal. However, pictures can turn out bad sometimes due to unexpected circumstances.
So how can you reduce blurring of photos? Here are some tips on how you can do it:

  • Use a tripod. Some of us can’t avoid too much movement when we take pictures. In order to reduce blurriness of photos, use a tripod when taking one. A good quality tripod can help lessen blurriness caused by shaking hands when taking pictures.
  • Check your lighting. Before taking a picture, always check if you have enough light. To avoid blurring, hold the camera still during the exposure. Take note that when the light is low, the shutter speed will also get slow because your camera will need more light. When this happens, you have to hold your camera still for a long time. For faster shutter speed, you won’t be having problems with blurring of pictures.
  • Hold the camera properly. Another way to lessen blurriness of pictures is to hold the camera properly.  Hold your camera using your right hand on the grip while hold the lens using your left hand. When standing to get photos, try to stabilize the camera by leaning on a wall or tree or rest your elbow on a table when taking photos while sitting. Try to make yourself a “human tripod” so that proper balance can be kept and it will be easy for you to hold the camera still.
  • Use a strap to keep the camera still. You can also hang a strap or your bag or purse over the lens of your camera to keep it still. This technique helps add weight to the lens of your camera so that it will no longer be a problem to hold it still.
  • Check the camera for stabilization features. The latest camera models have image stabilization to help decrease blurriness in images. This feature automatically stabilizes the photo as it is taken. You can try to search for cameras that have the image stabilization feature online if you’re interested to get one.
Even the slightest movement of the hand can easily cause the blurring of pictures. So next time you get a photo using your camera, try to remember these tips so you can take great pictures.

This article was written by MyGetRidOfGuide.com, a helpful resource for anyone experiencing an unwanted issue.

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