8 September 2012

Exploring Barcelona

Exploring Barcelona has given me the chance to relive vintage times and have a play with my film camera. The camera in question is a Praktica EE-2 35mm slr, I only had two lenses with me a fixed 50mm lens and a 27-75 old Pentax lens. These lenses where perfect for the scenery involved.

I came to this destination on my latest cruise holiday, I never had the intention of taking photographs or anything of the sort, but I always take a camera wherever I go, as I was going on holiday, I never took an expensive camera. I found the scenery to be so pleasant I just had to take photos. Usually I would use my canon 50d, but due to the fact it was a holiday, I did not have this, but I think that a film camera worked even better and I am glad I had it with me as  I wanted to get more of a feel for the location and make the photographs as natural as possible.

I had two types of film with me, some Ilford pro delta 3200, black and white film and some standard Fuji superia, both worked exceptionally well with the environment and lighting of a large explosive city.
About Barcelona: what can I say about the city of Barcelona, its truly inspiring and epic. The amount of things to see and do in this city is beyond belief. The city, which is the capital of Catalonia, has such a vibrant city, from shops, to restaurants, to beaches and cathedrals.  It’s been home to many famous artists and architects, as nearly all of you will know, Antoni Gaudi was from this region, the famous architect. Painter’s Joan Miro and Salvador Dali originated in Barcelona as well, it is also said that Picasso spent his formative years in the city of Barcelona.

Famous musicians including cellist Pablo Casals, opera singers Montserrat Cabelle and Jose Carreras, and the master Jordi Savall.

The sights: Barcelona has to be the, if not one of Europe’s most visually stunning cities. There are many elements in this city, ranging from medieval intimacy exploding from its medieval quarter to the grace and elegance of the wide boulevards in this here modernist example. There is so much scenery depicting the modern era, the innovative structures include the Ricardo Bofill vela hotel.

Lets not forget one of Barcelona’s most famous structures, temple expiatori de la sagrada familia. This is one of the most beautiful landmarks I have ever visited, designed by the famous artist Antoni Gaudi; this cathedral is a magnificent monumental achievement.  Taking photos of this was quite tricky to say the least, the sun always shines through at one point due to its magnitude, I used a very fast shutter speed and my fixed 50mm to snap a shot.

Walking through La Rambla, is a constant flood of humanity with vibrant colours and life flowing everywhere, I had to use my 27-75. The things you see in this market are incredible; you need the zoom to not miss out on people doing amazing things, such as bird vendors demonstrating their colourful supply. The versatility of this lens allowed me to produce wide angle shots, which proved vital when walking down alley ways.
I must just say I had a wonderful experience exploring Barcelona and I reckommend going for anyone.

Written by Jared Lecouteur.

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