31 August 2012

Using Photography to Help At Risk Kids and Young Adults

With technology being at the forefront of kid’s minds, how do you creatively grab their attention? Organizations wanting to help make a difference in a young person’s life have to reinvent themselves in their goals in order to be successful. Mentors are important. Big brother and sister programs are great too but do they still make an impact?

Making a positive impact in a teenager’s life has the potential to inspire their entire direction in life. This is what happened to the founder of Street Style Surgery, Sissy Rooney.

With Street Style Surgery we offer creative workshops for young people from all walks of life. We provide them with unique workshops with the hopes that they will be motivated by discovering an artistic outlet. By opening their world view we hope to open their options about their choices in life.

One of the most popular programs that we offer is our photography workshops. Kids of all ages have a positive experience with the photography workshop. They like the technical aspect of learning how to use this unique tool and are proud of their work at the end of the day.

As the kids see the quality of their work, they are empowered and experience a surge in self-confidence.
This is one of the most important aspects of our workshops – self coincidence. These kids may not have received the support at home or at school. If a mentor wasn’t available to them growing up, they can learn to depend on themselves and feel value within.

Photography also enable attendees learn about a whole new way of seeing the world. New dimensions are introduced, new possibilities. The ability to capture unique images with a camera enables them to see the world in a while new light.

One of the most rewarding aspects of running a program such as this is to see the kids smile at the end of the day. It’s incredible what a difference a few hours of encouragement can make for a young person. If they have the chance to shine, and they are given the encouragement all kids need to become more productive adults.

The workshops target kids from all ages and all backgrounds. Some groups are after school programs others may be young offenders. It’s important that each individual be treated the same and given the same hopes.
A creative outlet such as photography puts all the kids on an even playing field. It doesn’t matter where they’ve been. This is their chance to learn an art form at the same time. We try to keep the environment fun and friendly. Kids don’t want to feel like they’re in a classroom. They can learn while having fun too – the best method to learning.
Art is unique tool to help young people explore a different side of life. Photography is an excellent outlet to inspire the young people of today to expand their aspirations.

Author Bio
Jess Collins is a traveller, blogger and regular contributor to the Street Style Surgery blog. Jess’ creative outlets are such an important part of her life that she loves to give back by sharing her experiences with young people.

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