16 August 2012

How to Start Your Own Texas Furniture Refinishing Business

Furniture Refinishing is becoming quite popular these days. It is considered to be an ideal business opportunity as well. A good number of people, who love to work on turning old furniture into new beautiful furnishings, can opt refinishing as a business opportunity. At an initial level, you can start refinishing the furniture as your hobby, till the time your friends, family members and neighbors start bringing their old furnishings to you. This is the time when you are ready to start your own Texas Furniture Refinishing Business.

In common, furniture’s get old day by day. To keep it staying in its fresh and quality look there are two choices. First choice is purchasing the new ones. That is you have to buy new furniture to replace the old ones. Second choice is you have to refinish the old furniture so that its quality look will be stayed for some more years with much attractive. Always purchasing the new one would costs much than refinishing the existing old furniture. Therefore there would be a good start for the furniture refinishing business.

Here are some steps that you can follow in order to start operating a furniture refinishing business in Allen, Plano or any other region of Texas.
  • Starting on a small scale can be an ideal strategy in the beginning. It is advised to take a few small Allen furniture refinishing jobs until you have a steady hand at work.
  • Prices should be set on the basis of time expended, ongoing prices and the work that the customers provide to you.
  • At the beginning, you can make use of the garage or basement space for operating your Plano Furniture Refinishing work. After you start making good profit and are ready to hire some workers, you can go consider opening a shop that can run your Texas Furniture Refinishing Business.
  • Stock piling the essential supplies is necessary in order to complete the work in a timely manner. Therefore, make sure that you are not out of supply at any point of time.
  • Getting the files and other documents ready for financing the business will avoid any kind of last minute hassle. Finance is a basic requirement for purchasing essential supplies, equipment and operating the business, and hence should not be compromised with.
  • Marketing your Texas Furniture Refinishing Business is the last step in business set up. You can make use of pamphlets, business cards, websites, flyers, posters, advertisements, hoardings and other means in order to get attention of antique lovers and start serving their needs of refinishing old furnishings.
So, if you are looking forward to start a furniture refinishing business in Texas then the above said points would help you a lot. Doing proper homework is the key to obtain success in any type of business. 

Philip is the guest blogger writing informational content related to furniture refinishing for Heath Refinishing, Heath Refinishing offers a wide array of furniture services for the Texas residents including refinishing, repairing and custom furniture building through its furniture refinishing services. To know more you can visit their website.


  1. Furniture upgrading is one of the most expensive things that have to be dealt with commercial and residential property owners. Refinishing requires good woodworking skills, suitable tools and equipment, and in some cases specialized knowledge. Refinishing the furniture can take care of its design and appearance. It can be done as per the current furniture trends that best fits with the present lifestyle.

  2. Looking at these furniture repairs or furniture restorations makes me want to do the same thing to my old furniture. I need to put this in my to-do list so I won’t forget.


  3. Great guide! The only problem I see engaging in this business is that people are learning to do the refinishing themselves. Thus, at some point, your service might not be necessary. But of course, looking at the bright side, there are those individuals who do not have time to spend to refinish their furniture, in which case hiring a furniture refinishing service is ideal.

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