28 September 2010

The Most Expensive Disasters

Titanic - $ 150 million
of the most famous disasters had cost only $ 150 million.

Tanker and Bridge - $ 358 million, 26 August 2004 car crashed into a full fuel truck, which caught fire and exploded , destroying the bridge. The cost of remediation - 358 million dollars
Collision Train $ 500 million on Sept. 12, 2008 in California collided , two trains . 25 people were killed , monetary loss of MetroLink totaled $ 500 million (including payments to the families of the dead)
The Fall bomber, B-2 $ 1.4 billion bomber B-2 , made by technology stealth , collapsed on Feb. 23, 2008 . The flames had destroyed virtually the entire aircraft . Both pilots ejected and survived.
An oil spill tanker Exxon Valdez - $ 2,5 billion oil spill tanker Exxon Valdez was not the biggest, in terms of quantity of oil, but because of the remoteness of katasrofy , the whole operation of cleaning the oil stains oboschlas in 2,5 billion dollars
Fire at oil rig - $ 3.4 billion One of the worst catastrophes in the history of oil production complexes . Due to an error of technical personnel who have forgotten to change a safety valve, there was an explosion and fire. This disaster claimed the lives of 167 workers at a cost of 3.4 billion dollars
Explosion Challenger - $ 5.5 billion on Jan. 28, 1986 after 73 seconds after the start of exploded the space shuttle Challenger . Price shuttle and equipment amounted to 5.5 billion dollars
Explosion tanker Prestige - $ 12 billion on Nov. 13, 2002 bombing of the oil tanker Prestige has resulted in the release of 77,000 tons of fuel. His cleaning worth $ 12 billion
The explosion of the space shuttle Columbia - $ 13 billion. 1 February 2003 shuttle Columbia failed. It cost Americans $ 13 million.
Chernobyl. $ 200 billion April 26, 1986 there was a terrible catastrophe in human history. Explosion 4- th unit of Chernobyl , the evacuation of people deal with the consequences , etc costs were conservatively estimated $ 200 billion.

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