29 April 2010

Plastic Surgeons Have Turned Beauty In The Ugliness

Once upon a 31-year-old girl named Johanna Tukianen, nobody knows, she was dancing girl, lived in Finland.
Fame came to her a few years ago, when a scandal, after the discovery of its relationship with the then Minister of Foreign Affairs of the country.
It seems that 60-year-old minister wrote to her for a month 200 SMSok with all sorts of platitudes: offering threesome (with her twin sister porn star) and all that stuff.
While Joanna Tukianen was at the height of her career, she began to shows. But now
she was fascinated by plastic surgery and became a monster, literally.

1 comment:

  1. oh my god. that is horriffic. still not as bad as some others like the lady who injected her face with cooking oil when plastic surgeons refused to do any more surgery on her.
